Saturday, August 10, 2013

♫♫♫ Good Times - Bad Times ♫♫♫ know I've had share..... Name that band?

I used to love some very specific music, when i was younger music was energy. Everything from my very first copy (on 8-track) of Sabbath Bloody Sabbath, to the 4th time I purchased Frampton Comes Alive on vinyl (remember: do you feel like we do?).

The reason i am writing this up is a bit existential, so i don't expect everyone to care or read through to the end. But i feel the need to clarify, even if it's just for my own sake. Although if you make it to the end there is a relevant point being made

Quality starts as a dynamic force. When you see or hear something that you appreciate there is a Quality that you experience that attracts you, even before you analyze what it is you like, the Quality is present. Once the experience has been analyzed the the Quality becomes Static, meaning that your definition of why you like it becomes the reason you like is, not the dynamic quality that you first experience. The shift from Dynamic to Static is a sliding scale, it happens gradually as you continue to re-live the experience that gave you the initial Dynamic Quality thrill. As the scale shifts irrevocably toward Static Quality something else changes as well. The feedback from yourself changes, you no longer have the urge to share the Dynamic Quality experience with everyone like you did the first time you experienced the Dynamic Quality.

So what happens? Why the shift? The stimulus is the same, right? Note for note it is the same, (unless your vinyl is getting worn out). The Static Quality is still there, your definition of why you appreciate it is still applicable, hell, you still love the song, but something has changed. Remember that the Dynamic Quality happens before analysis, (a priori if you will), it is an instinctual thing, after the brain kicks in you start to ask what is it about this that has the Quality  that attracts me.

Something to remember at this point: The Quality Object we are referring to has been created, I need to exclude organic objects for this reasoning to hold, I am not referring to a sunset or a perfect summer day. The objects i am referencing have been engineered to elicit a response. Like a song or an event or a painting.

Alright alright.....This has been writing itself for like 3 days now, I will step in and offer guidance.....

Can I just leave you with this:
MOQ, or Metaphysics of Quality is an original idea by a contemporary philosopher named Robert Pirsig. His initial book called Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance,  lays the groundwork for MOQ (and is an inspiring story about a father and son motorcycle trip). His second book called Lilla is an amazing piece of of original philosophy, I cannot recommend it highly enough, read it if you can find it.

Quality upon reexamination has other items that have been introduced by the individual, not all of them are for the consumer. Some constructs are there for the benefit of the creator and once the initial Dynamic Quality slides into static, other emotions come into play from the consumer side.


Sorry for the long winded road to a book plug.

1 comment:

  1. It took me a few day, but.....Led Zeppelin lol
    Love ya
