Tuesday, July 9, 2013

HPRP and Gammons

I have removed the LIVE LINK from this page.

If you would like to read the GAMMONS and HPRP BULLSHIT let me know, it's a public blog but you will need to get there manually.

Since this unholy process initiated by Gammons and HPRP is so negative, I have relocated it to it's own blog.

My reasoning is that so once i pass, it can be disposed of and the true real reason for the GBM Perspective can remain.

Here is a link:

Please feel free to comment (not just to me).
Also if you know of anyone being abused by HPRP or this process please send them this info!!!




  1. Dude in my personal world Osteopaths all suck the big one, where as most MD's just simply suck. I would guess over the years i have seen somewhere close to 200 different doctors, including therapists and psychologists and they all fall under the same general heading 'aasholes' until they find a way to make me want to remove them from that pool.

    Most have failed in a big way. MY PCP is one, the guy who fused my low back and redid the cervical fusions is another, he unfortunately moved back to Indiana so that leaves about...let me see, 1 in this area that is not a dickhead and he is a she so...

    That open email you wrote could have been addressed to any one of a number of the idiots I have had to deal with. Especially the one who i saw, who knew i had two fractures in my neck, had all the tests and data ready and done but wanted them all redone so he could get his cut of the payments. By the time he was ready to do surgery 15 weeks after I broke it, he said "Well you're just like a cancer patient, you'll just have to learn to live with it, the fractures have healed."

    Of course they healed you asshole you made me do all this bullshit a second time and added 12 weeks. What he didn't say is because he dicked around for so long while everything was healing misplaced and pulled out of wack is that he was consigning me to the rest of my life to varying levels of pain. Usually +5

    So in all of this time being in the clutches of the medical establishment i have developed a simple test that I am sure Becky's therapist would have failed.

    The very first time you meet a new doctor use their first name conversationally as soon as you can fit it in. If they give me the stink eye, I excuse myself and say to them sorry "Phil" you're not the doctor for me, I'll find another." Very few have stopped me from walking out and refusing to pay the bill for no services rendered.

    I have no education to speak of, but I am not a file number, or a cash cow. I am their employer no matter the reason I am seeing them and they better damn well get that shit straight right off the top. I never take crap from someone who has been in a trade for 25 years and still calls it a practice.

    After 25 years in my trade I was a Master Craftsman. How much damn practice do they need? Or do they still call it that so, unlike other trades, they can bury their mistakes while the rest of us have to fix them?

    Here is where you lodge a complaint on his record if he refuses to answer your email. I would do it just to show anyone who knows where this place is that he is a dick head.

    Yeah I get fucked up doctors and their God what God, I AM god attitude. I also will not stand for it.

    Anyway I gots to go get my shit ready, today is the second from last day at school and I have 2 kids to give summer instructions to.

    Oh yeah the peace of mind thing: it is a little more than not worrying about shit. It's more like your head is a big house full of rooms and now that you have found that room of peace in your heart and soul learning how to enter it at will. You'll know because it is a place of silence even though you have headbanger music in your headphones.

    Zen is a strange but practical philosophy.

    Be Well


  2. Hi Mark thanks for your insightful comments.

    Perfect analogy Strategy vs Philosophy. Without knowing it this has been in place for me for ever.

    The HPRP people are within their guidelines. We know that the Idiot-Admins always ensure their ducks are in a row. The problem is the method by which they get you to agree. It is extortion. Threaten to take away your livelihood, no questions asked. And this tool I focus on, GAMMONS, he's the worst of the bunch in that he has taken (I assume) the hippocratic oath. FIRST DO NO HARM is right at the beginning. It is baffling.

    If you can't find the link to the the blog here it is


    At least over there i express something other than pity for myself

  3. Gammons is an asshole. Look at his vitals page now. It will make you happy. Also, I found Rebecca only because of his latest comments on vitals-broke his confidentiality by saying publicly who she is!!!!!!!! Print it. I am sending you a copy of what he said and we should meet. I will give you my email address in the letter, you can contact me then. I will help you to get the asshole, but we must work together. I have a lots of dirt on this idiot........
