Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Looking Through a Looking Glass (edit: NOT)
Thanks Providence sleepy me.
I had an exceptionally roller-coastery day yesterday, except it wasn't one of the roller-coasters that had any up parts to it. It was all downhill.
I wrote about it last night and did not publish it because it was full of typos a the way and random words that i put in for no apparent reason. I thought i would edit this AM and send it out. I was sleepy and couldn't get my thoughts together.
This morning the sun is up, dogs are fed kids are sleeping on the livingroom floor, (with Amazing E leading way, of course). Algebra final tomorrow (cumulative) and all she is here and she is wonderful. AD is the workhorse day in and out non-stop driving his dad around doing all the things that i would do if i had another 15 minutes before i needed to start on my next thing. And B, what can I say, she is 100% emotionally invested in every little BS thing i feel or express, as well as the HPRP Thugs/Goons. She has all of my nonsense plus her own, plus......i will not go into details about other issues that will soon be resolved.....Lets say that B is pulling more than she ought to as far as concern for this house and the way it is being managed by someone that can only pay attention to the details for a limited amount of time...
Back to today:
It is a new day and there is nothing about yesterday that matters to ME except R has a jersey with LABOND on it and M has a jersey with PLUCINSKI on it. And they are working together with the helmets and the new "Heads-Up-Tackle" system the state of MI put in place to protect the kids. (They refs are going to be throwing flags if the head is not up on a tackle. I think this may be a good thing, get them doing it right now, then in college when they really start to hit less concussions.) They are talking chin-straps and mouth guards and sharing info (will not quite sharing if you know what i mean), But still R is accepting advice from M and that is as good as it gets.
Today i am having more fasting blood work done again. Another 12 hours without eating anything. (Hey DOCS figure out how to subtract coffee from the test, cause i am drinking it anyway), the office seems to be a little less than forthcoming with the FBW results, kind of odd i think. I keep getting told ask so and so (which i haven't done) but you have the results, send them to me. I will get them today....I just want to track my numbers, ti want to see a pattern 'tis all.
I think that writing and emotional-not-positive blog and not posting it last night was a way to perform catharsis. IT worked. It is a new day. It is going to be better, and that's all we ask, just a bit bet each day (with a cancer exception of course).
I hope that everyone that reads this has sunshine and 75.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
This week's lessons include:
- Bullies
- Scaredy Cats
- The difference between Libel and Slander
- Role reversal
- FaceBook!!!
I'll post more later!
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Cook? Cook, where's my Hasenpfeffer? (think Bugs Bunny)
Sunday. Jul 28, 1:15 an
Brushing my teeth before bed i noticed that the hair on the left side of my cranium looked especially thin. I thought "here we go, three weeks in and it's starting", Little did i know it hadn't just starte, it had happened. I looked down in the sink and saw a handful of hair. Rubbed my scalp and more fell out, tadaa! I jumped in the shower and scrubbed my scalp over and over, obviously wishing i was already asleep and just dreaming this was happening.
Short of being completely bald immediately, there is no way to lose ur hair gracefully. It was mangy looking, yes think mangy dog blotchy hair look. I felt ashamed and embarrassed and alone. I just kept thinking about M+R seeing me, I couldn't even look how in the world could they not see me as weak and broken?
They did say during the third week, they know their stuff.
So for the time being here's the new doo:
Every bit of support touches and lightens the heart, yet nothing can help me while i am in the shower pulling out my hair and worrying about what my boys will see in me tomorring when they get up. That is what we would call personal struggle.
Brushing my teeth before bed i noticed that the hair on the left side of my cranium looked especially thin. I thought "here we go, three weeks in and it's starting", Little did i know it hadn't just starte, it had happened. I looked down in the sink and saw a handful of hair. Rubbed my scalp and more fell out, tadaa! I jumped in the shower and scrubbed my scalp over and over, obviously wishing i was already asleep and just dreaming this was happening.
Short of being completely bald immediately, there is no way to lose ur hair gracefully. It was mangy looking, yes think mangy dog blotchy hair look. I felt ashamed and embarrassed and alone. I just kept thinking about M+R seeing me, I couldn't even look how in the world could they not see me as weak and broken?
They did say during the third week, they know their stuff.
So for the time being here's the new doo:
The scar in the pic is hardly noticeable, it looks more pronounced in the mirror. This will be fine, I know. This was expected (on almost this exact date, no less). This is just a change that I didn't assimilate into my brain. No big deal, the kids aren't gonna be upset, or scared or think i am broke (any more than they do). They will be exactly how I project myself to them, comfortable, confident and happy and strong.
) ( _ ___________ ) [_[___________#
A funny thing materialized while i was shedding....
Over the course of a few days some conversations had been had by different people under different circumstances here on the farm. One of the points that came up a couple of times was this:
No matter what your support system is, the people helping can do only so much. It will always come down to a Personal Struggle that needs to be handled by the ONE person actually going through the issue. Your support system can only help you deal with it. But you still deal with it.
Think of the Royal-We, like the queen of England saying "We are not amused"
We help carry things, we help pick up things you drop, we try to make you happy, we try to be empathetic so we can better do the other things. If i am carrying 100 lbs of rocks in my head and 50 on my back, no one can help with the rocks in my head. That is a personal struggle.Every bit of support touches and lightens the heart, yet nothing can help me while i am in the shower pulling out my hair and worrying about what my boys will see in me tomorring when they get up. That is what we would call personal struggle.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Books and Gifts
My little S (sorry for the anonymity, but you know who you are), brought over presents yesterday while she was coming by to take me to chemo/rad. She had read a post written earlier entitled "what I want my kids to know".
My goal when i wrote that post was to try and show my boys and G some of the things that I felt were truly important. Love, math, science, curiosity, amazement, hope, absence of regret and more. The post wasn't quite finished and I was not sure how to continue it. Little S came up with a solution to a problem that I wasn't really aware of. Here is what she did...
My goal when i wrote that post was to try and show my boys and G some of the things that I felt were truly important. Love, math, science, curiosity, amazement, hope, absence of regret and more. The post wasn't quite finished and I was not sure how to continue it. Little S came up with a solution to a problem that I wasn't really aware of. Here is what she did...
Each book has a metal cover engraved with the name of the four kids and includes a beautiful ballpoint pen. I am amazed at what she did. My first thought was how in the world am I going to do this gift justice? They are beautiful. Then it occurred to me that my poor penmanship is what should be in there. Hand written notes, with edits and scribbles and cut-outs pasted in and different color writing and times and dates and fleeting thoughts on 1/2 a page and all the things that you say to your kids as you walk by them in the hallway and everything that you may never get to say because your working or busy or trying to do something else and all the little lessons about being polite and listening instead of talking or talking when you need to be heard and being strong by being weak when the time is right or how to choose what is best for you sometimes and what is best for everyone at other times how to remember to smile at people even when they are scowling because it is EASY and makes a difference.
When I lived in San Diego in the 80's I explored Zen Buddhism (more about that later) at an ashram for a brief amount of time. There was an teacher that spoke occasionally, Charlotte Beck. There were several lessons that i still walk with today that are invaluable, the most profound lesson was
The only thing necessary to experience complete happiness is to not compare this moment to any other.BUT the most important and the hardest lesson to learn and assimilate was:
Be here, now.Being here now, experiencing what is happening around you now not longing for . At first it is an exercise that distracts you from whateveryourdoing at the moment
So many complicated ideas that build on each other so complicated that they become instinctual after a certain point, it's like trinomial equations, there is no solving them, theres a a range of write and wrong, you just know the rules for solving and apply them to the best of your ability.
No matter what a person prepares for nothing can get you ready for the event. Mike Tyson, yes Mike Tyson, said it best for me, he said "Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the jaw". I know it's Mike Tyson, but even a stopped clock is right twice a day. (No offence Mike, big fan, big fan).
Anyway, this ahs went on for a lot longer than i expected. Thanks again LittleS.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Shiny Metallic Purple Armor...
Obscur Jimi Hendrix references come easy....
Since my B has cane back and taken over ensuring that all my meds are filled and dispensed properly, I have been feeling so much throughout the day. I think it is as much because she is near as the meds. She is a perfect Wife, Mother and Caregiver, as well as excelling in her field. I am amazed by the depth of her ability to give. Way more than the Grand Gestures, all of the little things that get done for and the boys....amazed. I am the luckiest man in the world.
This weekend, so far, the headaches are almost completely under control. Morning headaches are still wating around for me to wake up to pounce like an angry cat, all claws and teeth, but once that is over (couple of hours) my day is almost normal. Thanks B.
I get these odd moments of depression that flair up with no warning and bring me down fast and forcefully. So I have been trying to figure why?
I think of depression as a mechanism the body uses to accomplish an end that it needs, whether its the need to change a circumstance or make you behave a certain way. Whatever it is Evolution has put the DEPRESSION capability in us for a reason. It can be healthy or clinically-not.
Part of the Brain says it is chemical: that all of our emotions are, in fact chemical reactions. The chemicals get released and into emotive response center and we behave however we behave, sad, happy, depressed ...whatever. So if that is the case the question becomes about the release of the chemical.
Is the chemical released because of some random process that would qualify as clinical-depression? Meaning there is no basis for it? The brain just creates an excess of this chemical momentarily and BINGO we're depressed.
Somewhere in my pea-brain some honest assessment has taken place without me realizing it, and said Oh yeah, this guy has issues, release the hounds!
Either way, right no, today, while my B is here, there will be no Hounds, clinical or otherwise.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Mixed messages
I am going to change the format a bit ion the blog, and break out commentary from reflection. I think my stream-of-consciousness rambling could use a bit of structure. So I will be adding a section after my daily adventures where I will be putting my existential comments.
Sissy came by and took the boys out for the day. She sent a bunch of pictures of their adventures they went everywhere. Looks like fishing, hiking, exploring the backyard. Looks like they had a blast. I hope the solved the railroad car / bone mystery!
Here's some pics she took:
I had the follow up visit to my surgeon yesterday afternoon.
He has a remarkable bedside manner. He walked in and put both hands on my shoulders, looked me square in the eyes and made the following statements
It seems to be a fine line between indulging yourself in pity and what you might refer to as an assessment of your situation. Who arbitrates those things? Got to be the individual, right? To the writer its just me expresing my self to the reader it's wallowing. There is no true-north on this.
Sissy came by and took the boys out for the day. She sent a bunch of pictures of their adventures they went everywhere. Looks like fishing, hiking, exploring the backyard. Looks like they had a blast. I hope the solved the railroad car / bone mystery!
Here's some pics she took:
So I did finally meet the problem-un-known-entirely*. Pretty much right when they said he would show up, 5 days. It was a courageous battle that I eventually won (think Gandalf shouting "You Shall Not Pass!!! to the Balrog. NERD). It was a courageous battle that eventually won with the help of modern chemistry. I can't believe that I am not even a full week into this process. Holy shit it this is gonna take a while.
) ( _ ___________ ) [_[___________#
That's my break......
I had the follow up visit to my surgeon yesterday afternoon.
He has a remarkable bedside manner. He walked in and put both hands on my shoulders, looked me square in the eyes and made the following statements
"I want you to feel good"
"You know, this tumor is an aggressive tumor"
"It doubles in size every 39 days"
"Do you want to go XX XX XXXX, or do you want to XXX at XXXX?" (I have to edit that line Sorry)Maybe it's not the messages that are mixed.
It seems to be a fine line between indulging yourself in pity and what you might refer to as an assessment of your situation. Who arbitrates those things? Got to be the individual, right? To the writer its just me expresing my self to the reader it's wallowing. There is no true-north on this.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Paying Bills---Redux
This is a self indulgent post.
Feel free to Skip It
The rollercoaster that is my day does some amazing loop-de-loops. I go from giddy and enjoying the moment with my boys to wondering "why in the hell can they make his own peanut butter and jelly sandwich, I mean how hard is it, goddamn it" in just seconds. I stop the bad reaction quick, I'd like to think I stop it before it even gets out, but I know that's not true. I have tried explaining that I don't feel well...blah blah blah it's not you it's me...but do you think a 7 year old gets that? Besides it feels like an excuse, like I'm giving myself a pass at their expense, and that adds to my discomfort. I don't want a pass, I want to make my boys laugh.
We set up a weight bench in the garage, (Amazing E donated it and Big D actually set it up in 95F). I had been promising them we would get some free-weights and we would start working out together. So picture this 4 boys, between 13 and 7, all of them under 90 lbs. Forearms all small enough for R for wrap his had around. I haven't grabbed a picture yet, but i promise it will be a doozy. I promise them that if they do 3(sets) x 10(reps) a day a few days a week they will feel a difference within a week. I think that's reasonable. I don't want to create a ,,,,,dunno what to call it, what i do know is I want them to feel good about themselves. This can be a great confidence booster for them. Even S mentioned that E will have no problems with this sort of exercise. This is gonna be fun, I hope I can develop a habit for them, so they feel like they missed out if they don't get a chance to use the weights.
I have been eating my monster1 and monster2 pills (along with 8 others x2 a day) daily since Friday. So far the only issues are these screaming headaches. Not the ones i have been feeling since surgery, these are new. They start at the top of my skull and cleave their way through to my neck. Almost constant without meds. They ARE well controlled, but don't think they are not hiding behind my pain meds waiting to come out like clockwork. I have been told that the real side-effects do not start until about day 5. Everything is on a timeline...except for me.
I told R that i was going to get my hair done today, just shave the sides, his reaction was exactly what I have described previously. Not overly concerned, but he doesn't want the scar to show. Sorry kiddo, I wish you didn't have to see your Dad's weakness. Dad's aren't supposed to have those, not when your sevenfuckingyearsold. What a huge disappointment. Based on my own childhood, fathers are the biggest, smartest, strongest people in the world. There's no weakness there, no flaws, what they do is the right thing. That's where the (my) notion of right and wrong came from. RIGHT/STRONG/SMART = DAD. Now add in GBM and what the fuck do you get?
I just want them to grow up and be smart, funny and strong. If I die from this thing is that possible? Don't tell me about grace, I understand that. But grace can be derived from the other characteristics i describe.
What I do know is that the Bills on Some Mornings are Weightier than others.
I have been eating my monster1 and monster2 pills (along with 8 others x2 a day) daily since Friday. So far the only issues are these screaming headaches. Not the ones i have been feeling since surgery, these are new. They start at the top of my skull and cleave their way through to my neck. Almost constant without meds. They ARE well controlled, but don't think they are not hiding behind my pain meds waiting to come out like clockwork. I have been told that the real side-effects do not start until about day 5. Everything is on a timeline...except for me.
I told R that i was going to get my hair done today, just shave the sides, his reaction was exactly what I have described previously. Not overly concerned, but he doesn't want the scar to show. Sorry kiddo, I wish you didn't have to see your Dad's weakness. Dad's aren't supposed to have those, not when your sevenfuckingyearsold. What a huge disappointment. Based on my own childhood, fathers are the biggest, smartest, strongest people in the world. There's no weakness there, no flaws, what they do is the right thing. That's where the (my) notion of right and wrong came from. RIGHT/STRONG/SMART = DAD. Now add in GBM and what the fuck do you get?
I just want them to grow up and be smart, funny and strong. If I die from this thing is that possible? Don't tell me about grace, I understand that. But grace can be derived from the other characteristics i describe.
What I do know is that the Bills on Some Mornings are Weightier than others.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Let the Games Begin
So here we go.
I received a call from P, she is the study
nurse that is corresponding the treatments, the normal Rad + Chemo plus the
study med. She said that she has received all the blood, urine and MRI tests
and I have been approved for the study, all systems are go. Additionally, of
the two "legs" of the study I have been selected for the leg with the
additional drug. yay, (i keep telling myself)
Tomorrow i will meet up with her 1 hour before my RAD treatment, give more blood (and other liquids) for the before portion of the study. At that time (exactly i hour before RAD) I will ingest demon1 and demon2. Wait the 1 hour and be RADed.
I am nervous.
The RAD process is intimidating. It's
quick, like 10 minutes, but theres this process where you lay on a table and
they put this mask on me, buckle it into a table with theses clips so my head
can not move. This is an accurate representation of it.
The face has been created from my face via a sort of wet-mesh that
form fitted as it dried. Alignment marks have been made on it to align the RAD
hits the same spots each visit. (5 days a week for 6 weeks.) Ten simple minutes.
The horses are on the track.
After the RAD and meds the boys and I get to go out to Bloomfield to visit with B, thanks to that prick Gammons she will not be here...This has deteriorated into a stream of consciousness ramble-rant, but i guess that is where my thought process have gone for the time being.
6-weeks to go. Like I said Let the Games Begin.
6-weeks to go. Like I said Let the Games Begin.
Higher Education.....
At 48 years old I felt as if I knew some stuff.
Geographically speaking I have been around the world (almost) (go US Navy!), lived in all 4 corners of the US, as well as the high-desert of Northern-Nevada ("The Biggest Little City in the World"), the Low-Desert of Southern Nevada (what happened there stayed there).
Emotionally speaking it has been a ride as well. I don't want to bore you with those details. But the big picture looks like I have lived what looks like three lives.
My first life included an ill fated marriage but got me two of the most wonderful kids you could imagine, they have dropped everything to be here with me during this time of questions. Regardless of my questionable parenting skills when they were younger, they came here..they are here..and apparently the forgive me for being a complete disaster as a father while they were younger.
My middle life was a death. I remember thinking during this timeframe that a person only actually exists to the extent that they have connections to others. That if I removed myself from all personal interaction, except for paying taxes and working there would be no Jeff L. in the world. At this time that was not an unpleasant idea. There was nothing good or bad for me, I was irrelevant, sounds bad? Not really, think of it a Satori Experience. (It can actually be quite freeing, not to act upon but to enable a true sense of self to appear, who are you once the constraints are released???) I went for 6-7 years with no authentic connection to anyone including family, it was all mechanical motion and reflex, very odd.
My third life is here and NOW. This is where I have finally began to learn some stuff. I am an emotional idiot these days , call it what you will, chemical, physiological, psychological, NDE induced, whatever you call it it is. To me it is. This third life has taught me some things even before i got sick. My B opened my eyes to a world full of choices and opportunities. My (youngest) boys reminded me what unconditional love is. My B's family show me constantly how to be accepting and caring of different ideas, because we are more than just beliefs and views, we are "real-people". My own family has showed consistent and constant and outpouring of "what can I do to help?" mentality, even with their own issues, as concerning as my own, thank you Shir.
The most remarkable thing i have learned in the last month is that there is an amazing subset of people in the world that give-a-shit. And even beyond people, there are organisations that, somehow, seem to care as well. How in the world can an organisation care? Must be some sort of profit motive, right? Maybe, maybe not, whichever it is, it is.
The generosity of people toward me and my family since the GBM continues to amaze me. The people from AHIS have been beyond anything I thought was possible, a certain car company that we financed our Flex through left me speechless yesterday through their unwarranted and unprovoked generosity, Baker College (where I am one term shy of graduating) came through in an unbelieveable fashion, (thank you Don Torline).
Where have I been my whole life? How did I not know that this type of empathy and compassion actually existed? I knew it intellectually but it never became assimilated into my life.
Something tells me that my true higher education began on June 6th, 2013 and my run a little longer than expected.
Thank you all for listening.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
HPRP and Gammons
I have removed the LIVE LINK from this page.
If you would like to read the GAMMONS and HPRP BULLSHIT let me know, it's a public blog but you will need to get there manually.
Since this unholy process initiated by Gammons and HPRP is so negative, I have relocated it to it's own blog.
If you would like to read the GAMMONS and HPRP BULLSHIT let me know, it's a public blog but you will need to get there manually.
Since this unholy process initiated by Gammons and HPRP is so negative, I have relocated it to it's own blog.
My reasoning is that so once i pass, it can be disposed of and the true real reason for the GBM Perspective can remain.
Here is a link:
Please feel free to comment (not just to me).
Also if you know of anyone being abused by HPRP or this process please send them this info!!!
Also if you know of anyone being abused by HPRP or this process please send them this info!!!
Monday, July 8, 2013
Let go, let...ME!
This occurs to me on this July morning....
While I was trying to get myself into the ER at Providence I was aware. By aware I mean I was functioning cognitively, I was in the moment and had aims, points, expectations, goals and things I needed to get done. I was expressing these things to the people around me, from my manager, KD, to back-up On-Call-Girl, SC. To B on the phone, all the way to the 3 physicians, 5 nurses and countless techs...I had the desire to communicate and was choosing to do so.
The wonderful people at the ER had no idea what I was talking about, based on their training and skills they knew something was wrong, that I wasn't just a buffoon (!) walking down Dequindre looking for a hand-out. To B on the phone, I am not sure if I even expressed that I was in the ER. Despite my intention and desire (will) to communicate what I was feeling, internally the skill set was evaporating, while it was in use.
There was a certain amount of humor involved. (Where do we find the capacity to laugh in certain times?) For example, I could not get my age right, I am told i kept telling them I was 27. Hilarious.
But to my point of this page....
As I was laying in the bed at Providence that morning looking out through my tunnel, I could imagine this would be how it would end for whatever-this-was gone mad. I was peaceful, I was making people laugh, I didn't hurt at all. Shit, I'll go as far as to say I felt stoned. I felt as if I had eaten Mushrooms. It was not unpleasant. There was just a simple disconnect between my internal processes and the world.
There seems to be a connection, an active connection, between our internal world and what we view as the Real-World.
Remember the story Plato tells of interacting with shadows on the cave wall? (Look it up if not...) As the fire dims and our ability to perceive and interpret and interact with the shadow fails we don't feel a failing, we simply continue to interact with what is available, until there is nothing but embers, too insignificant to cast a shadow, at that point there is nothing left to interact with and we are alone.
While I was trying to get myself into the ER at Providence I was aware. By aware I mean I was functioning cognitively, I was in the moment and had aims, points, expectations, goals and things I needed to get done. I was expressing these things to the people around me, from my manager, KD, to back-up On-Call-Girl, SC. To B on the phone, all the way to the 3 physicians, 5 nurses and countless techs...I had the desire to communicate and was choosing to do so.
The wonderful people at the ER had no idea what I was talking about, based on their training and skills they knew something was wrong, that I wasn't just a buffoon (!) walking down Dequindre looking for a hand-out. To B on the phone, I am not sure if I even expressed that I was in the ER. Despite my intention and desire (will) to communicate what I was feeling, internally the skill set was evaporating, while it was in use.
There was a certain amount of humor involved. (Where do we find the capacity to laugh in certain times?) For example, I could not get my age right, I am told i kept telling them I was 27. Hilarious.
But to my point of this page....
As I was laying in the bed at Providence that morning looking out through my tunnel, I could imagine this would be how it would end for whatever-this-was gone mad. I was peaceful, I was making people laugh, I didn't hurt at all. Shit, I'll go as far as to say I felt stoned. I felt as if I had eaten Mushrooms. It was not unpleasant. There was just a simple disconnect between my internal processes and the world.
There seems to be a connection, an active connection, between our internal world and what we view as the Real-World.
Remember the story Plato tells of interacting with shadows on the cave wall? (Look it up if not...) As the fire dims and our ability to perceive and interpret and interact with the shadow fails we don't feel a failing, we simply continue to interact with what is available, until there is nothing but embers, too insignificant to cast a shadow, at that point there is nothing left to interact with and we are alone.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Mornings are when the bills get paid...
In these early July mornings the humidity is like a color that covers over the air. A heavy dark feeling that covers everything. Take a picture and it would look perfect, the camera can't see what the air feels like. This is how we look forward to Next Summer. Our snapshots remember a perfect morning. These days when I wake up it's nothing but a heavy dark color. It's chemical conditioning or it's physiological reflex or it's a tangible object, to me, right now it makes no difference. It's morning and I am Sisyphus.
I can't point to anything in particular that weighs so heavy, because until I get my meds digested EVERYTHING weighs so heavily. That makes the meds the problem right? Whoever answered yes to that stop reading this blog, you lack the ability to analyze. We can argue about it another time. Cretin. These days this is a sore spot, plenty will be said in the near future.
So back to the mornings....It is what you call a picture perfect day, no clouds, mid 70's and quiet out except for a little traffic on County Line. Even the traffic fits into the picture, again with the picture. That's only 1/2 the story. The rest of the story is more complicated.
R seems to have an issue with the scar on the side of my head. It is ugly and it's only going to get worse when i start the radiation. I am trying to engage him with it, see if he thinks i should maybe get a mohawk or just some sort of pattern on both sides, but he knows that once the hair goes the scar will be standing out. When we talk about it I see him disengage from our conversation and run through thoughts, come back to us and be distracted. It takes about 1 second for that process to happen, but when he comes back he's in a different state. I don't know what to do.
M on the other hand is great with the mohawk, he suggested a mohawk-mullet. He lol'd me with that. I was thinking something like this....
Here's a pic of one of the monsters chasing me around now...
I can't point to anything in particular that weighs so heavy, because until I get my meds digested EVERYTHING weighs so heavily. That makes the meds the problem right? Whoever answered yes to that stop reading this blog, you lack the ability to analyze. We can argue about it another time. Cretin. These days this is a sore spot, plenty will be said in the near future.
So back to the mornings....It is what you call a picture perfect day, no clouds, mid 70's and quiet out except for a little traffic on County Line. Even the traffic fits into the picture, again with the picture. That's only 1/2 the story. The rest of the story is more complicated.
R seems to have an issue with the scar on the side of my head. It is ugly and it's only going to get worse when i start the radiation. I am trying to engage him with it, see if he thinks i should maybe get a mohawk or just some sort of pattern on both sides, but he knows that once the hair goes the scar will be standing out. When we talk about it I see him disengage from our conversation and run through thoughts, come back to us and be distracted. It takes about 1 second for that process to happen, but when he comes back he's in a different state. I don't know what to do.
M on the other hand is great with the mohawk, he suggested a mohawk-mullet. He lol'd me with that. I was thinking something like this....
Not quite my style, but neither is GBM, so lets give it a shot.
Here's a pic of one of the monsters chasing me around now...
Not sure why i have a picture of the box??? Maybe it's because it cost my insurance company $11,500.
It's all about the blood-brain barrier. Got to get the meds through the barrier to treat the tumor. Right now, aside from complete infusion Temodar is the drug of choice to get to the affected space. We are going on a study medication that is currently being used to treat renal cancer that has shown some hope in treating the GBM. I have not read comprehended the complete study so the details are a bit fuzzy, but it appears that Temodar and Drug 2 pass through the barrier at the same time. This is why they directly overlay the treatments timing. The study still leaves me three options for Trials after the first course, (upon recurrence).
Speaking of Studies and Trials. We are all set, thank you. I understand the desire of my friends and acquaintances and strangers to want to help us with this issue. I also understand the benefits of wheatgrass to the body. But we have chosen a course, discussed it between B and I and come to the conclusion that....
- First of all there will be no recurrence
- Participating in the Study is important. Having an opportunity to contribute to the GBM body of knowledge is something that makes me feel good.
- I am a technician at heart. I analyze and quantify and try to extract empirical data whenever don't understand something. Name it and claim it. No better way to do this than have highly trained medical professionals measure and treat and react and adjust.
- I am as anti-pharmaceutical as the next person ($11,500? really?) BUT I truly do not believe that there is a motivation in keeping people sick. I believe that there is money in a cure, of course, BUT it's one step too far to believe that they would avoid a cure in order to keep sickness around. Think they wouldn't charge the $11,500 for the cure? can you spell p a r a n o i a.
- Wheatgrass is the perfect balance of nutrition, palliative, and ameliorative ingredients. To keep you healthy. NOT TO CURE A FREAKING TUMOR.
Sorry for just seems pandering and dismissive for someone in perfect health to share their thoughts on wheatgrass. Rude, my family is going through this by ourselves, you go ahead and "think outside the box." I will be working with some of the brightest minds available, right here, inside the box. watching what has an effect, what doesn't and reacting to any changes that the tumor shows.
OMG how time flies. The boys are getting up and asking for oatmeal and scrambled eggs and sausage and chocolate milk. Time to get moving on the day.
Wash off the thick gray humidity, drink some coffee. Wander into the bedroom and sort out the pills for the day. (It really looks like a bowl of Lucky Charms when ready to take, marshmellow goodness!)
OMG how time flies. The boys are getting up and asking for oatmeal and scrambled eggs and sausage and chocolate milk. Time to get moving on the day.
Wash off the thick gray humidity, drink some coffee. Wander into the bedroom and sort out the pills for the day. (It really looks like a bowl of Lucky Charms when ready to take, marshmellow goodness!)
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Independence Day
He remembered the rules, how to set the pieces up and everything. White to the right and Queen on her own color. He remembered Castling, pawn can move two squares on the first move.... I was impressed. We hadn't played in months. Before the game was over all the boys were standing by the table coaching him. I didn't realize E and R knew the rules also. M was a bit hesitant to play. I thing (over analysis alert:) M was hesitant to play against his younger brother because he didn't have the confidence he could beat him. I had noticed this before: he knows the rules and how the pieces move but he doesn't seem to want to take the chance of losing to his younger brother. I have mentioned to him before that I would love to teach him how to really play the game, strategy, position and tactics. I would be SO proud to have two chess players in the house.
Just gave some money to the kids so E and D can take em up to get some fireworks of our own. Neighbors do a great job, plenty of $ spent on boomers. Big ones too. I remember doing the hustle of setting up the mortars, trying to get some correspondence and some timing of the different types of devices. That was fun. These days, I believe, I'd rather sit back and watch my boys get everything they can out of it. Is it age creeping up on me when I say I'd rather watch them get lit off than do the lighting? Nah, it's scientific, it's what we call the Conservation of Matter and Energy, if it don't matter then I'll conserve the energy.
Seeing all the kids pile into the back of D's car and head off was quite a site. Even aunt S piled in the car. To much excitement for one vehicle. Hard to see how anything will get done with that many little brains running around looking for colorful boxes that have explosions on them.
After we blew off the few firecrackers we had all the boys wanted to run around the street and look for crackers that had 1/2 a wick left to try to lite them. They called them excities, great word for the feeling you get trying to light a wick that is less than an eighth of an inch long. I remember having the Black Cat crackers as a kid, they seemed so much stronger then. I had one blow up in my hand once, I remember the tingle and the numbness lasted and lasted. The scary part was my what if my MOM found out. That's the way it always seemed to be, perpetual state of fear of her.
My B is not here this evening. Her business takes her away for a few days, shame it has to be on a holiday. I wish she were here to experience the quiet moments before the explosion of kids, black powder and iron phosphorus. The temperature is perfect, the light is perfect, the sound level is perfect. I am going to start a seperate blog about the Work issues.....
The only thing necessary to experience complete happiness is to not compare this moment to any other moment. Simple. Right?
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
PROVIDENCE: The Protective Care of Nature as a Special Power
I was afraid it was a stroke.
In my mind that was the worst of all possible problems. Little did I know that there are fates worse than relearning.
One of the funniest people i have ever heard speak was named Patrice O'Neil. He had this conversational pretzel-logic that was hypnotic and rational and made perfect sense, until he was done talking, then you would go "what the fuck did he just say? He could explain and rationalize anything from any viewpoint, racism, sexism, fish-tank care (really). Funny, funny man. If you have time watch this video...
In my mind that was the worst of all possible problems. Little did I know that there are fates worse than relearning.
One of the funniest people i have ever heard speak was named Patrice O'Neil. He had this conversational pretzel-logic that was hypnotic and rational and made perfect sense, until he was done talking, then you would go "what the fuck did he just say? He could explain and rationalize anything from any viewpoint, racism, sexism, fish-tank care (really). Funny, funny man. If you have time watch this video...
Anyway, Patrice died died after a stroke about 1 1/2 years ago. He was what kept going through my mind. Died after a stroke. How can that be?
The good folks at Providence determined pretty quickly that this wasn't a stroke. I am not sure of the specifics, it seemed that they found out within an hour that I was stroke free.
I guess that this....
is not what a stroke looks like.
1.5cm mass.
Oh, I've got pictures. My surgeon was kind enough to take pictures of my brain during surgery, before and after photos show off a big difference. As soon as i am more comfortable with this bloggy-thing i will find a way to publish them discretely. They are fascinating.
Things I want my kids to learn about...
Energy and Matter are Equivalent.
I know it sounds like an odd wish. But think about it this way. e=mc(2) is one of the most advanced scientific notions we have. If we use that as a STARTING point for knowledge rather than ultimate goal for understanding, where could we be in a generation or two?
What an amazing feeling. I do not know where my gratitude has been my whole life, maybe something was growing in my brain and affected my ability to feel and express it. Maybe it's the meds I am on. But the gratitude i feel for the people around me is indescribable. Literally.
I have said it elsewhere in this blog, I know. But nothing would make me prouder than to have a house full of chess players. Just comfortable and casual chess. The quiet thrill of setting a trap and waiting to see if your opponent bites is thrilling.
Inner Peace
I know, i know. But the ability to not be at odds with yourself over decisions makes for a healthy mind. Regret is a horrible emotion. You can be affected by regret to the point of physical effect and not even know it. Choose and be at ease.
Monday, July 1, 2013
Birthday Wish
Reesey asked what he should wish for when he blew out his candles.
His first idea (to me) was to wish for no tumors, then he caught himself, backed up a bit and said... How about no bad tissue? What an awful way to be thinking on your 7th birthdays.
Start your engines....
Ominous Music Plays--I have had some headaches popping up on me for sometime now 2 to 3 times a week), not debilitating but the OTC stuff wouldn't touch it, they were severe enough to go see my PCP. He did MRI and xrays as well as some other tests to measure blood flow) and could find nothing, he was thinking arthritis or degenerative disk disease, as much as I didn't want to admit it the late 40's were here and either one sounded plausible to me. He wrote me a script for Vicodin to use as needed for the pain.
I read a lot. I have an app on my GS3 (Aldiko Book Reader) that allows me to read any book in ePub format. I have so many books I am interested in right now on my phone. Never fiction, I read cosmology, anything by Brian Greene, anything by Christopher Hitchens, physics, psychology, some history, occasionally self-help (Salt, Sugar, Fat is one of the most interesting books I have read in years). The book I was reading when things started changing is called "The Clockwork Universe" by Edward Dolnick. It is the story of how Isaac Newton saw a need for a new type of mathematics and went about developing Calculus. It's not about Calculus, it's about how one man came up with it. One man and that mathematical language he developed describes the universe in motion. AMAZING.
MAY--While reading that book on the smart phone i noticed that the words were becoming mixed up. They were still crystal clear letters but the letters were moving around on the page. My left eye would see the word and my right eye was inserting extra letters into it so the word made no sense in my brain. I began to actually say the letters out loud and try to figure out what the word was. I started to become concerned, I was thinking that the late 40's were creeping from my headache to my eyesight.
I am in IT at a large health system and there are only a handful of us that smoke, literally somewhere between eight and ten of us bump into each other in the "smoking lounge" across the street. One of them happens to be on my team, BR. Naturally while we are out smoking we chit chat a bit. I described what was happening to my vision and she said make an appointment and get it looked at. I ignored her. I am a tough-guy. There's nothing wrong with me, anything that is wrong will go away. Simple.
The weekend of May 25th there was a dramatic change in my vision. I was totally unable to read words, i couldn't even spell them out correctly, I couldn't understand the letters into words anymore. (In retrospect this was the transition from pressure on an ocular nerve to something that affected my ability to use cognitive skills, although at the time I still thought of it as visual in nature. I finally broke down on May 29th and made an appointment at an optometrist, they made an arrangement for me to get in in the afternoon. I used the expression "dramatic change in my vision in the last 48 hours" several times during the calls and appointments. At the optometrist three people met with me and did tests before the DO came in, the net result was a hand written rX for reading glasses (1.5x). I stopped and bought them from the local CVS. WOW what an improvement the clarity and focus was impressive. but the letters and words were still moving around.
June 6th--On June 6th I woke up with a remarkable headache, enough for me to take a couple of Aleve with my first sip of coffee. It was a normal Thursday morning + headache. Before leaving the house nothing else was remarkable. Beck was up and out the door as I was preparing to leave, snuggling with the boys and whispering about how few days of school were left before summer vacation. (Reesey was excited about "field day" on Friday. Both boys always loved the field days events at school. There are all kinds of outdoor activities, tug-o-war, races, obstacle courses, all kinds of stuff.)
Traveling--This is where it gets interesting....In retrospect I remember feeling a little bit spatially disoriented. Almost dizzy and needing to focus on my driving rather than listening to Opie and Anthony podcast like I do every morning, my actual recollection of the events is still pretty foggy. I have come to put the events together through a series of snapshots rather than a sequence of events, I can shuffle the snapshots up and put them in any order, but this is what I believe transpired... On a side road i remember driving straddling center of the street and seeing a car come toward me, i moved to the right to allow us to pass by, when i got to the correct side of the road i glanced in my rear-view mirror to see the car going past, my right hand mirror clipped a parked car's side mirror, holy shit, I thought, that was weird. At that point a car layed on a horn an just held it. I remember thinking "what the heck?". It turns out that I had just blown through a stop sign and cut off the person that was beeping at me. Still, I wasn't overly concerned, I thought I was tired and just needed to focus.
CSB--I did manage to wind up at work by 7:20 or so, I recall no other events enroute. I got my usual parking spot and everything. I went in to the office and fired up my PC to begin dealing with the 100+ server alerts and eCW enquiries I get overnight (not as bad as it sounds). I remember watching my PC boot up, logging in and getting presented my desktop. I was unable to see my mouse on the screen. I had a pulsing light in the center of my field of vision, the periphery was fine, it was only in the very center. I had to move my mouse around without following it, so it would move to the edge of the screen then move it back to the center to try to click on something. I began to feel nervous. I did not know what to do, I couldn't decide what to do, my ability to DECIDE was vanishing, i remember being acutely aware of the fact that i was unable to make a decision. I did decide to do nothing for a few minutes, just sit and relax maybe everything would straighten out. I do not know how long is sat there before i managed to get up from my desk and go find my manager KD. Luckily she was in her office, i walked in and sat down and told her i needed to go to the ER, i am having trouble seeing, speaking and making decisions. She asked that i find the back-up on call person and let them know that i was going to the hospital. Luckley the back-up-on-call-girl (SC) (:-) was at her desk by this point. I said "i have to go to the ER, please take the pager...."
Decisions & Decisions--Made it back out to my truck and sat down in the drivers seat, trying to figure out what to do next... drive? where?... call? who? walk? (er is literally across the street?) I sat there with motor running for i do not know how long staring at my phone, the obvious thing would be to drive across the street to the ER, but then I thought i would callBecky first and let her know no, wait i should just drive, what if its a stroke while driving a stroke wouldbe bad. If i walked across the street I could use the walk signal, that way i wouldn't walk into traffic, hey an email just camein...Stroke? Game over. WTF?
ER_Oaklan--I wound up in the St John Oakland ER, I drove there but do not remember anything but parking, which was right in the middle of the parking spot and deep enough in, you would never know by the park job that the person who parked there was unable to decide on anything. I chose a door to walk into and tried to find a place to check into the ER. The signs were confusing, arrows were pointing in different directions so i kept following the arrows and the word emergency. After doing the circuit a couple of times, I just stoped at a counter and explained, I remember saying "I'm not sure if this is the right spot...." The woman behind the counter got me a wheel chair and helped me down, she asked me to describe what was wrong, and i couldn't. I didn't have the right words at hand, I had a lot of words, but i didn't know which ones to use. ( I keep thinking of it as one of those refrigerator magnet toys, with the individual words as magnets and they're all kind of stuck together, you need 4 - 6 words for a sentence, but as you pick one up there are 8 words stuck to it and can't figure out which on to use.....I was getting scared.). This whole time i was holding on to my cell phone, the nurse asked if i wanted to call my wife, I did. I do not remember the conversation, i know that after we hung up the nurse asked me if Beck was on her way, "I don't know". She redialed Beck to ask if she were coming down, of course the answer was yes, she was walking out the door....
I read a lot. I have an app on my GS3 (Aldiko Book Reader) that allows me to read any book in ePub format. I have so many books I am interested in right now on my phone. Never fiction, I read cosmology, anything by Brian Greene, anything by Christopher Hitchens, physics, psychology, some history, occasionally self-help (Salt, Sugar, Fat is one of the most interesting books I have read in years). The book I was reading when things started changing is called "The Clockwork Universe" by Edward Dolnick. It is the story of how Isaac Newton saw a need for a new type of mathematics and went about developing Calculus. It's not about Calculus, it's about how one man came up with it. One man and that mathematical language he developed describes the universe in motion. AMAZING.
MAY--While reading that book on the smart phone i noticed that the words were becoming mixed up. They were still crystal clear letters but the letters were moving around on the page. My left eye would see the word and my right eye was inserting extra letters into it so the word made no sense in my brain. I began to actually say the letters out loud and try to figure out what the word was. I started to become concerned, I was thinking that the late 40's were creeping from my headache to my eyesight.
I am in IT at a large health system and there are only a handful of us that smoke, literally somewhere between eight and ten of us bump into each other in the "smoking lounge" across the street. One of them happens to be on my team, BR. Naturally while we are out smoking we chit chat a bit. I described what was happening to my vision and she said make an appointment and get it looked at. I ignored her. I am a tough-guy. There's nothing wrong with me, anything that is wrong will go away. Simple.
The weekend of May 25th there was a dramatic change in my vision. I was totally unable to read words, i couldn't even spell them out correctly, I couldn't understand the letters into words anymore. (In retrospect this was the transition from pressure on an ocular nerve to something that affected my ability to use cognitive skills, although at the time I still thought of it as visual in nature. I finally broke down on May 29th and made an appointment at an optometrist, they made an arrangement for me to get in in the afternoon. I used the expression "dramatic change in my vision in the last 48 hours" several times during the calls and appointments. At the optometrist three people met with me and did tests before the DO came in, the net result was a hand written rX for reading glasses (1.5x). I stopped and bought them from the local CVS. WOW what an improvement the clarity and focus was impressive. but the letters and words were still moving around.
June 6th--On June 6th I woke up with a remarkable headache, enough for me to take a couple of Aleve with my first sip of coffee. It was a normal Thursday morning + headache. Before leaving the house nothing else was remarkable. Beck was up and out the door as I was preparing to leave, snuggling with the boys and whispering about how few days of school were left before summer vacation. (Reesey was excited about "field day" on Friday. Both boys always loved the field days events at school. There are all kinds of outdoor activities, tug-o-war, races, obstacle courses, all kinds of stuff.)
Traveling--This is where it gets interesting....In retrospect I remember feeling a little bit spatially disoriented. Almost dizzy and needing to focus on my driving rather than listening to Opie and Anthony podcast like I do every morning, my actual recollection of the events is still pretty foggy. I have come to put the events together through a series of snapshots rather than a sequence of events, I can shuffle the snapshots up and put them in any order, but this is what I believe transpired... On a side road i remember driving straddling center of the street and seeing a car come toward me, i moved to the right to allow us to pass by, when i got to the correct side of the road i glanced in my rear-view mirror to see the car going past, my right hand mirror clipped a parked car's side mirror, holy shit, I thought, that was weird. At that point a car layed on a horn an just held it. I remember thinking "what the heck?". It turns out that I had just blown through a stop sign and cut off the person that was beeping at me. Still, I wasn't overly concerned, I thought I was tired and just needed to focus.
CSB--I did manage to wind up at work by 7:20 or so, I recall no other events enroute. I got my usual parking spot and everything. I went in to the office and fired up my PC to begin dealing with the 100+ server alerts and eCW enquiries I get overnight (not as bad as it sounds). I remember watching my PC boot up, logging in and getting presented my desktop. I was unable to see my mouse on the screen. I had a pulsing light in the center of my field of vision, the periphery was fine, it was only in the very center. I had to move my mouse around without following it, so it would move to the edge of the screen then move it back to the center to try to click on something. I began to feel nervous. I did not know what to do, I couldn't decide what to do, my ability to DECIDE was vanishing, i remember being acutely aware of the fact that i was unable to make a decision. I did decide to do nothing for a few minutes, just sit and relax maybe everything would straighten out. I do not know how long is sat there before i managed to get up from my desk and go find my manager KD. Luckily she was in her office, i walked in and sat down and told her i needed to go to the ER, i am having trouble seeing, speaking and making decisions. She asked that i find the back-up on call person and let them know that i was going to the hospital. Luckley the back-up-on-call-girl (SC) (:-) was at her desk by this point. I said "i have to go to the ER, please take the pager...."
Decisions & Decisions--Made it back out to my truck and sat down in the drivers seat, trying to figure out what to do next... drive? where?... call? who? walk? (er is literally across the street?) I sat there with motor running for i do not know how long staring at my phone, the obvious thing would be to drive across the street to the ER, but then I thought i would callBecky first and let her know no, wait i should just drive, what if its a stroke while driving a stroke wouldbe bad. If i walked across the street I could use the walk signal, that way i wouldn't walk into traffic, hey an email just camein...Stroke? Game over. WTF?
ER_Oaklan--I wound up in the St John Oakland ER, I drove there but do not remember anything but parking, which was right in the middle of the parking spot and deep enough in, you would never know by the park job that the person who parked there was unable to decide on anything. I chose a door to walk into and tried to find a place to check into the ER. The signs were confusing, arrows were pointing in different directions so i kept following the arrows and the word emergency. After doing the circuit a couple of times, I just stoped at a counter and explained, I remember saying "I'm not sure if this is the right spot...." The woman behind the counter got me a wheel chair and helped me down, she asked me to describe what was wrong, and i couldn't. I didn't have the right words at hand, I had a lot of words, but i didn't know which ones to use. ( I keep thinking of it as one of those refrigerator magnet toys, with the individual words as magnets and they're all kind of stuck together, you need 4 - 6 words for a sentence, but as you pick one up there are 8 words stuck to it and can't figure out which on to use.....I was getting scared.). This whole time i was holding on to my cell phone, the nurse asked if i wanted to call my wife, I did. I do not remember the conversation, i know that after we hung up the nurse asked me if Beck was on her way, "I don't know". She redialed Beck to ask if she were coming down, of course the answer was yes, she was walking out the door....
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