Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Mixed messages

I am going to change the format a bit ion the blog, and break out commentary from reflection. I think my stream-of-consciousness rambling could use a bit of structure. So I will be adding a section after my daily adventures where I will be putting my existential comments.

Sissy came by and took the boys out for the day. She sent a bunch of pictures of their adventures they went everywhere. Looks like fishing, hiking, exploring the backyard. Looks like they had a blast. I hope the solved the railroad car / bone mystery!

Here's some pics she took:

So I did finally meet the problem-un-known-entirely*.  Pretty much right when they said he would show up, 5 days. It was a courageous battle that I eventually won (think Gandalf shouting "You Shall Not Pass!!! to the Balrog. NERD). It was a courageous battle that eventually won with the help of modern chemistry. I can't believe that I am not even a full week into this process. Holy shit it this is gonna take a while.

           _ ___________ )
That's my break......

I had the follow up visit to my surgeon yesterday afternoon.

He has a remarkable bedside manner. He walked in and put both hands on my shoulders, looked me square in the eyes and made the following statements

"I want you to feel good" 
"You know, this tumor is an aggressive tumor"
"It doubles in size every 39 days"
"Do you want to go XX XX XXXX, or do you want to XXX at XXXX?" (I have to edit that line Sorry)
Maybe it's not the messages that are mixed.

It seems to be a fine line between indulging yourself in pity and what you might refer to as an assessment of your situation. Who arbitrates those things? Got to be the individual, right? To the writer its just me expresing my self to the reader it's wallowing. There is no true-north on this.


  1. This comment belongs on the last post, not this one, but I'm lazy like that. You know that, since I live with you and all.

    You are teaching me more about grace than I have learned in 36+ years.

    Today I forgot my age. It was a weird feeling, and I have never done that before - I had to stop and deliberate for a moment. Than I had to subtract 1977 from 2013. WTF.

    And than I had a moment of: this is Jeff's now.

    I won't give you pity, that would be an insult. I will give you my support and love, though.


  2. lol, the brain had to read that several times before i got it....

    Thanks Lady, i appreciate your no-pitty-policy
