Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Things I want my kids to learn about...

Energy and Matter are Equivalent.
I know it sounds like an odd wish. But think about it this way.  e=mc(2) is one of the most advanced scientific notions we have. If we use that as a STARTING point for knowledge rather than ultimate goal for understanding,  where could we be in a generation or two?

What an amazing feeling. I do not know where my gratitude has been my whole life, maybe something was growing in my brain and affected my ability to feel and express it. Maybe it's the meds I am on. But the gratitude i feel for the people around me is indescribable. Literally.

I have said it elsewhere in this blog, I know. But nothing would make me prouder than to have a house full of chess players. Just comfortable and casual chess. The quiet thrill of setting a trap and waiting to see if your opponent bites is thrilling.

Inner Peace
I know, i know. But the ability to not be at odds with yourself over decisions makes for a healthy mind. Regret is a horrible emotion. You can be affected by regret to the point of physical effect and not even know it. Choose and be at ease.

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