Sunday, July 21, 2013

Shiny Metallic Purple Armor...

Obscur Jimi Hendrix references come easy....

Since my B has cane back and taken over ensuring that all my meds are filled and dispensed properly, I have been feeling so much throughout the day. I think it is as much because she is near as the meds. She is a perfect Wife, Mother and Caregiver, as well as excelling in  her field. I am amazed by the depth of her ability to give. Way more than the Grand Gestures, all of the little things that get done for and the boys....amazed. I am the luckiest man in the world.

This weekend, so far, the headaches are almost completely under control. Morning headaches are still wating around for me to wake up to pounce like an angry cat, all claws and teeth, but once that is over (couple of hours) my day is almost normal. Thanks B.

I get these odd moments of depression that flair up with no warning and bring me down fast and forcefully. So I have been trying to figure why?

I think of depression as a mechanism the body uses to accomplish an end that it needs, whether its the need to change a circumstance or make you behave a certain way. Whatever it is Evolution has put the DEPRESSION capability in us for a reason. It can be healthy or clinically-not.

Part of the Brain says it is chemical: that all of our emotions are, in fact chemical reactions. The chemicals get released and into emotive response center and we behave however we behave, sad, happy, depressed ...whatever. So if that is the case the question becomes about the release of the chemical.

Is the chemical released because of some random process that would qualify as clinical-depression? Meaning there is no basis for it? The brain just creates an excess of this chemical momentarily and BINGO we're depressed.


Somewhere in my pea-brain some honest assessment has taken place without me realizing it, and said Oh yeah, this guy has issues, release the hounds!

Either way, right no, today, while my B is here, there will be no Hounds, clinical or otherwise.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that B is back home and with you. That has got to bring a lot of relief. Hang in there.
